Exams Open to the Public
Exam Title    Last Filing Date Typing Test Exam Date Room Number
Library Assistant, O.C. #60-223 5/31/17 No N/A N/A
IT Operations Technician I, O.C. #34-17 5/17/17 No N/A N/A
IT Operations Analyst I, O.C. #35-17 5/17/17 No N/A N/A
Financial Clerk Typist, O.C. #33-17 5/17/17 Yes 6/24/17 T102
Social Welfare Examiner, O.C. #64-337 5/17/17 No 6/24/17 T102
Caseworker CR-15 5/17/17 No 6/24/17 T102
Probation Officer/Probation Officer Trainee, O.C. #62-599 5/3/17 No 6/10/17 T102
Records Management Clerk, O.C. #60-375 5/3/17 No 6/10/17 T102

A $25.00 exam fee is required for ALL Open Competitive and Promotional exams for Probation and Emergency Services Dispatcher titles and uniformed titles in the fields of Police/Sheriff, Corrections, and Fire. 

 A $20.00 fee is required for all other Open Competitive or Promotional examinations.

 A $5.00 fee is required for ANY titles which require the administration of a typing performance test. This fee must be paid no later than five days prior to the scheduled test. If candidates are waived from the typing performance test, this additional fee will not be required.

YOUR APPLICATION FEE WILL NOT BE REFUNDED if you do not meet the requirements for admission to the examination. Compare your qualifications carefully to the requirements stated on the announcement and file only for those examinations for which you are clearly qualified.